Friday, June 26, 2009

So I'm down with another cold. This is the third one this year. I'm not used to this. I normally only get a cold maybe once every 3-4 years. What this has done is turned me into a wuss. I get sick and and I'm completely useless for days.
Of course everything is calling to me to get done. I have quite a list of things I want to accomplish in the next little while and it's frustrating me that I can't get to it but maybe I just needed the rest.
Daniel is coming home in a week and I still need to paint his room before he moves into it. I still have a lot of work to do in the basement as well although it isn't vital that I complete it in the next week, I don't think. Some vacuuming is all really. Unless Faith and Rainer decide they want to stay at the house and then I need to get my craft room organized so there will be room to put them in there. Then there is the usual tidying and what not but that doesn't take a lot of time. I just need to make up my mind to do it.
The Shakespeare Festival is calling me, though because they want my help with costumes and the trouble is they want a lot of it and I really don't have time to give it. Still maybe a day over there to help pull last minute things together. They're in the middle of fittings and what not. I still have a blouse here that needs doing so I think I will get to that today. It will feel good to get it off of my mind.
There is a talent show at the church tomorrow and my sister, Terri and I have planned a skit for it. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to sing because of my cold but it seems now that I will be okay in time for it. I'm glad about that. We're doing a skit with the "Log Driver's Waltz"
So Bruce and I had our 30th wedding anniversary this week on the 23rd. We completely missed it until about 11:30 pm when I noticed the date on the television. sigh! So there weren't any big celebrations or anything. I'm okay with that. We rarely make any fuss at all over it but I am happy about 30 years. It's been fun!

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