Sunday, May 16, 2010

Staying home from church today. Truth be told I worked myself into exhaustion last week with a Father's Day setup and District managers coming next week, so everything needed to be perfect. At least I thought it did, and then I got to thinking that my boss, Chris, doesn't complain about my work so I doubt district will. I really only needed to fix a few things to make things right. And now Chris has taken a vacation, so why did I worry so much? Anyway, I'm sore and I can't sleep well. And I feel like I have a cold coming on. That's usually how I get after a lot of stress.
Next week won't be so bad.

- long weekend at Faith's for her baby shower. woohoo!!
-Megan is coming for a visit. Woo hoo x 2!!
-my life becomes more like normal and I get to something besides work. Also woo hoo!

Monday, June 29, 2009

So we had a talent show at the church the other night. I really enjoyed myself and got to thinking about what a great activity this is. Because no one is a pro and only a few of us are even adequate amateurs we are all required to leave our judgments at the door. We have fun encouraging everyone and we learn a little bit about everyone too. I had no idea we have so many painters in our branch!
Terri and I did our skit and it was well received. There were a lot of other fun ones too. I didn't know that one of the boys in my primary class was such a good pianist. I knew his older sister plays but I didn't know he did. He also displayed a lovely painting that shows some seriously budding talent.
I think our branch needs more activities that don't revolve around food. It meant that there was a lot more socializing which is what we really need.
My class of 4 boys was so chatty yesterday. We didn't even get half the lesson covered. Still they are starting to get what I am trying to teach them. they are learning to mark their scriptures and learning to ask themselves questions about what they are learning. I was telling one of their fathers about it and he said me, "oh, you're good!" He's so happy with the progress that his son is making and he credits Primary with a lot of it. I think he's growing up though and there are a lot of reasons for that. I love these boys so much.

Friday, June 26, 2009

So I'm down with another cold. This is the third one this year. I'm not used to this. I normally only get a cold maybe once every 3-4 years. What this has done is turned me into a wuss. I get sick and and I'm completely useless for days.
Of course everything is calling to me to get done. I have quite a list of things I want to accomplish in the next little while and it's frustrating me that I can't get to it but maybe I just needed the rest.
Daniel is coming home in a week and I still need to paint his room before he moves into it. I still have a lot of work to do in the basement as well although it isn't vital that I complete it in the next week, I don't think. Some vacuuming is all really. Unless Faith and Rainer decide they want to stay at the house and then I need to get my craft room organized so there will be room to put them in there. Then there is the usual tidying and what not but that doesn't take a lot of time. I just need to make up my mind to do it.
The Shakespeare Festival is calling me, though because they want my help with costumes and the trouble is they want a lot of it and I really don't have time to give it. Still maybe a day over there to help pull last minute things together. They're in the middle of fittings and what not. I still have a blouse here that needs doing so I think I will get to that today. It will feel good to get it off of my mind.
There is a talent show at the church tomorrow and my sister, Terri and I have planned a skit for it. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to sing because of my cold but it seems now that I will be okay in time for it. I'm glad about that. We're doing a skit with the "Log Driver's Waltz"
So Bruce and I had our 30th wedding anniversary this week on the 23rd. We completely missed it until about 11:30 pm when I noticed the date on the television. sigh! So there weren't any big celebrations or anything. I'm okay with that. We rarely make any fuss at all over it but I am happy about 30 years. It's been fun!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm still awake...

I first came up with my nickname when I needed one while surfing the internet at 4:00 am during a long bout with insomnia. Now I feel it describes me as one who keeps kicking in spite of a lot of challenges.

I am happily married and become more happily married every day. My husband, Bruce, had a stroke 4 years ago and for awhile I really thought I'd lost my best friend for good. His mood and attitude had changed so much and when he came home from the hospital he came home with the idea that I was his enemy, constantly plotting against him to keep him down and keep him from his independence. It was a long hard struggle and the only thing that got me through it was my faith in the Lord and a few words of from a lady I considered a friend even though I hardly knew her. Her husband had suffered a stroke just a few months before Bruce did and even though I hadn't told her what I was going through she somehow knew and just said to me "It does get better". She was the first person who said that to me. All the medical people were only concerned with their sphere and so their prognoses were bleak at best. there were no reassurances there for me. Today, however, after a lot of help and many answered prayers, he is much better and we once again enjoy the time we have to spend together. He is retired now after a failed attempt at a return to work. Our financial troubles are working themselves out with some effort on our part and we are beginning to relax a bit at last.
We are empty nesters but occasionally our little chicks return for a visit. Our second daughter, Sarah, just left us for Lethbridge. She graduated from BYU-I in December and came home for a few months while she decided what to do next. What a joy it was to have her here!
Daniel will be home in a couple of weeks after serving a church mission for 2 years. We are soooo excited. He will be struggling for a bit, I'm sure, but he'll figure out what he wants to do next.
Megan has graduated from college and is now on the hunt for a job. It seems that when you have 4 children there is always one that is unemployed. today's economy doesn't help there, but things always seem to work out at least.
Faith is married to Rainer and they just recently both found themselves looking for work but the Lord provides and thankfully they were able to find work quite quickly and didn't have to go long without steady income.
My big challenge lately has been my fibromyalgia rearing it's ugly head. It doesn't bother me all the time although I always have some pain. but once in awhile I do too much and it gets bad. I've been pushing myself through it, though and hoping I don't regret it later. I still want to paint Daniel's room before he gets home and I have some other things I need to do as well.
I volunteer at Heart & Stroke doing data entry and receipt writing etc. I love to do it and get to work with a great bunch of people. In the fall and through to February I get paid to do telerecruiting for them. It's cold-calling looking for volunteers to do door to door canvassing for the campaign in February. I don't mind the work and it helps pay for christmas.
I also volunteer to do sewing for the Shakespeare Festival here every summer. It's fun and I get to see the shows for free. This summer we're doing Measure for Measure and The Taming of the Shrew.
I am very busy with church, which by far my favorite thing to do. I teach a group of 4 8-10 year old boys in Primary. I love them so much and we have a lot of fun. I also like to just look around there and see what little things I can do to help out. It keeps me busy and I love it.
So that's my life in a nutshell. Now on to the next part.